This research presents a review on the challenges faced by pupils who are mentally disturbed
in primary schools. It provides an interpretive critique of the studies reviewed and focuses on
these areas:-
(i) The effects of teachers' attitudes towards teaching mentally disturbed learners
hindering educational performance.
(ii) The educational challenges faced by mentally disturbed learners.
(iii) The relationship between availability of sufficient teaching materials and performance
of mentally challenged children.
l.E.F.A- Education For All
2. F .P .E- Free Primary Education
3. MOES &T - Ministry of Education Science and Technology
4. Intelligence-The power of peroeiving learning understanding and knowledge in human
5. Disability-A barrier to participation of people with impairments or discriminating
attitude 6. Attitude-A way of thinking, feeling or behaviour.
Mentally challenged:- A term describing persons who have a low intellectual functioning and who have deficits in adaptive social and emotional behaviours. Integration:- practices of proving education to handicapped persons together with their-nonhandicapped
peen to a maximum degree possible and providing support services where necessary.